Email is best (search-for that "email" address below), "info" at this domain will work.
Please send us your Phone number if you wish to talk/ask-questions/clarifications.

264+ acres of beautiful ponderosa pine forest, meadows, rock formations, mountain
views, plentiful wildlife, well over a half a square mile of your own national forest quality ranch land.

Below, Spanish Peaks from one of my high meadows.

The Ute and Comanche Indians called these two mountains "Wahatoya",
roughly interpreted as "breasts of the earth".

This ranch is located within western Las Animas county Colorado, which is just north of Raton,
New Mexico. This ranch is between the Spanish Peaks and IS-25. The Sangre de Cristos are just
west of the Spanish Peaks. Elevation of this ranch is roughly 7,100', with year around access.
One of the largest herds of elk in the entire state of Colorado is located within this county
and the adjacent counties along the Sangre de Cristos & Spanish Peaks area (San Isabel National Forest).
This is prime wildlife habitat with elk, deer, bear, turkey & tufted eared squirrels residing
on this property most of the year. It could be used for either a homestead, recreational activities
or for hunting, as you choose.

Great Prepper or Retirement Property (low population & low taxes)!

County Taxes on the entire 264+ acres is less than $150/year.

This land is located with the southeastern corner of "Apishapa River Ranch" development, which is
the Nicest/Prettiest of it's type within the entire Las Animas county. The southeastern corner
of my land borders County Road 44.0 (Ludlow raad), which could be used in the future for
quicker access.

Recent paving work by Las Animas county on CR 44.0 has brought a paved road to within
3/4s a mile from my western gates on Bear Claw Pass

I've installed about 2/3rd a mile of electric lines going from the western gates up to the
high meadow in the southeastern quadrant, where my cabin is. There is a pole with a transformer
within about 100' of the cabin and service pole within about 30' of the cabin, for a meter.
I've also had about 2/3rds a mile of a good road installed from the western entrance up to the
High Meadow near which my cabin resides.

All this land has been Professionally Surveyed and conspicuously marked at all major
corners with a 10' 2" PVC pipe slipped over a T-Post & a steel stake in the ground
by one very competent surveyor, yielding a uniform/homogenous/consistent/integrated result.
The PVC pipe is just there to draw one's attention to the steel stake Property marker.
Minor corners may only have a steel rod driven in the ground. We have a large survey
map of all my property (3'x4'). A full survey map of all my land will be provided
to the actual Buyer of the full 264+ acres along with the deed.


NOTE: we are just private land owners, Not 'developers' or realtors/shysters, NONE of which
will we Deal with under any circumstances. NO Exceptions. Principles ONLY
! Period!
Anyone that ignores that is simply wasting their/our time


When the JV developed this land back around 1990, they only provided to each tract a primitive
road to the boundary (one single point) & electricity to the boundary (normally the same point).
We've considerable improved on that very basic state: much better roads & more electricity.
On Tract 28 (northeast), we installed a long road from near the northwest corner up onto the
ridge, where most of the tract lays, providing very good accesss at our expense. We also
installed locked double gates on that new road to give this tract very good Privacy.

Excellent place on which to live, raise your own food, harvest your own energy and SURVIVE.

A well, tall windmill & a large cistern could allow you to exist off the grid with the essentials.
There is a dowsed well site very close to the prime building spot at near 7200' elevation (hill top).
There is a 2nd dowsed well site on the 360 degree view meadow, north about a quarter mile (hill top),
which could be used for watering livestock/wildlife away from the house.

We will not sign any contracts where payment is delayed.

Picture below was taken from above the meadow in the southeastern quadrant, near the highest elevaation
looking northwesterly.

Highest elevation is just over 7,200 feet above sea level (bottom of southeast quadrant, bottom right) & is the best building spot.


All lands for sale by the most local realty office in the Apishapa River Valley or nearby have
been sold out recently, as of late July, 2020. They normally have about 30-35+ listings, on
average. Meaning supply of land like this is getting quite scarce. This is the beginning of
long term trend as folks flee the cities & Towns in effort to survive these military grade
bioweapons & the communist take down of America, collapsing the entire US/Global Financial
systems, by design.
To the best of my knowledge, this local realty office changed their name & relocated their
operation/focus to La Veta in Huerfano county (north).

I think everyone knows what scarcity does to prices, so don't delay too long, as scarcity
& prices increase, due to higher demand & dwindling supply. 35 acre development ended
in this area well over a decade ago (due to the engineered financial crisis of 2007-8).

Prices are FIRM, not "asking prices". Cash deal to seller only.
(See more extensive/detailed Terms for buying below ... don't miss them if serious.)

We don't accept/respond-to counter "offers". Each tract or grouping of land is based
on it's unique characteristics and has it's own unique valuation. There is Always
cheaper land & it's usually cheaper for a reason. If that's what you want, good luck
with it. We don't have any of that & hence, we have NONE to sell.

This property was previously listed with the largest Rural Land Broker which
operates in Colorado (and around 7-8 other states) and they researched/validated my pricing.
Easy to test. Just find another piece of "developed" land this size (similar characteristics)
within Colorado this nice at a lower price. You will NOT.

Visiting the property is possible. I'll give you the necessary information/directions,
and permission to come upon my land for "a viewing". This is NOT an opened "permission".
My property is posted "NO Trespassing" for a reason. I do NOT allow free access to just
anyone when ever they please. All of the Apishapa River Ranch is 100% "PRIVATE Property"
and access is by "Permission ONLY". Violators will be dealt with.
Being sold ALL together.
We are not breaking this up & selling this in 5 individual tracts

Current PRICE (temporarily reduced):

                                 1) 264.4 acres for $1,000,000       Developed land, 5 contiguous tracts ranging
                                  from 35-100 acres each, 3/4s mile tall by 1/2 mile wide, of very Private land.
                                  All but the 2 northern tracts (originally 7 tracts), (#28 & #29, were sold in 2022).

Less than $3,783 acre.

"Terms of Sale" are below.

If you snooze, you'll could loose the chance of owning this Jewel at this price!

Picture below is mostly just of my land, except that road (Elk Trail) on the north, which is just above my property.

This picture is taken across the same meadow, which the aerial picture above was taken of.
Highest elevation is just over 7,200 feet above sea level (1.36+ miles high) & is the best building spot,
which is just behind these 2 trees in front and to the left/south of where this picture (below) was snapped.

This is my favorite building site, just within the trees, on the east side of this meadow, with great views of the Spanish Peaks.
The Sangre de Cristos are just west of the Spanish Peaks. Late fall picture. Taken on 100ac tract.


Prices are subject to change over time as the U.S. Dollar looses more value
and these prices are not encumbered with any commissions. We are not Realtors
or developers and we are NOT paying for services that we do NOT need. We have
owned this land for 31 years & are just letting the next generation have their
turn at enjoying this wonderful property. We are willing to sell this property
to any buyer on a straight Seller to Buyer deal, with NO bureaucratic middle men
of any kind.
If you are not capable of doing that, then just keep looking ...
This is exactly the way that we bought this property 30+ years ago, and this is
exactly how we are going to sell it this time.

Terms are a straight Cash deal to the Seller. We are NOT a bank.

That is what we will do & here is what we will NOT do: deal with any realtor (period!),
sign or use any CO state RE contracts, Period
as either of these by their nature gives the CO State the Dominate role in any deal, but
where they have NO ownership & NOTHING invested. We are NOT residents of Colorado, and
am NOT under the control of this state. This is exactly the way that we bought this property
30+ years ago. If that works for you, please contact us if interested.

Seller will NOT agree to an "offer to buy" based on ANY extended/delayed closing date,
including waiting for some Bank loan (taking weeks) or for any other reason.



Anyone OBLIVIOUS enough to ignore those 2 paragraphs, just needs to keep looking
for their property, as anyone that inflicts a dumb/incompetent/statist realtor on us
will be quickly/completely IGNORED! Don't waste your/our time


We will acquire/deliver a Title Abstract of the property (only if required), but we will
deliver a Warranty Deed to the buyer so that they can personally have it recorded at the
county seat. If it gets lost in the mail (going in either direction), we'll provide another one.

Seller is expecting a closing date of just a couple of weeks, enough time to get a contract
worked out, signed, payment made, and a Warrantee Deed delivered. Straight forward/simple.

Chain of Title for my land for the past 65 years or so is:

- We have owned this land for the past 35 years give or take "1" year (acquired 1990-1992).
- Before that, a Joint Venture acquired this as raw land (1988) and developed it and
sold it off in tracts, mostly around 35-40 acres with a few nearing or at 100 acres.
All land within the "Apishapa River Ranch" were initially sold by early 1993.
- Prior to that, an investment company bought this land as an "estate" cattle
ranch and then sold it to the Joint Venture relatively soon thereafter (1988).
- Before that, it was owned/ranched by "Pete Cusimano" for perhaps 25-30 years or so,
late 1950s or early 1960s through mid 1980s.
All this land has been Professionally Surveyed and conspicuously marked at all major
corners with a 10' 2" PVC pipe slipped over a T-Post & a steel stake in the ground.
Minor corners may only have a steel rod driven in the ground. We have a large survey
map of all my property (3'x4').

Call for the current prices, as the prices will vary due to the failing value of either, the
U.S.Dollar, as indicated by either: the rise in the value of Gold/silver compared to the declining
fiat U.S.Debt-Dollar, which has already lost a significant % in 2020, or the inability to acquire
precious metals due to their massive price rigging via naked shorts &/or derivatives. The
Official US Dollar Index & the precious metals markets are already way too Rigged to be dependable,
via the phony Biden Crime Syndicate, FED/Wall Street banks, not unlike what has been going
on now for the past five+ Decades ... just a bit worse now & much more obvious.

Expect prices to change at least weekly at those times when the US Dollar destruction
is underway &/or accelerating, expected now, as soon as 2025.

Silver is already near unobtainable in any large quantity. Gold is beginning to follow suit.

264+ acres qualifies one to apply for one private-land buck tags per year.

Sale is for the surface rights only, as the Seller does not own any mineral rights.

There are a set of Restrictive Covenants(RCs), which were created to help each owner
protect their own rights & that of their investment, however there is NO official
Home Owners Association. Hence, there are NO legally required dues or fees.
Enforcement of the RCs is by each owner only and any owner can enforce them should
the situation arise. (We did not originate these RCs. The developer did in 1988.)
FYI: Over the past 31 years, this has never been needed/done, to the best of my knowledge.
[Mobilhomes are not allowed & travel trailers are only allowed under temporary conditions.
Dirtbike (motorcycles) are strictly NOT allowed, as Colorado is a very delicate environment
and dirt bikes are very damaging & this environment does not heal within decades.]
FYI: an ad hoc group is leasing out this property to keep the taxes low based on
agricultural use. Anyone can fence off their property entirely or in part (house).
My land is fenced on the East & South sides and has about one thousand foot of
fence on the western side, just north/south of where Bear Claw Pass enters Tract 22.
See map below: Bear Claw Pass is where it has "Entrance" on the left side and T-22
is the 57.8 acre tract on the lower left part of the detailed layout map(below).

For those of you that do not know that they put in a bunch of natural gas
wells all along the front range of the Rockies from New Mexico to Montana,
from about 1994-2008. They only expected them to last about 15+ years and the
production was not as good as they hoped. 2008 + 15 = 2023.
Once they put in a lot of wells about 2005-2007 or so, they over supplied the
market and the price per unit dropped from about $10 to about $3+. It's less now,
(around $4.25) so while they are making some money (perhaps), they are running skeleton crews
and ownership has changed. Update: due to engineered Oil shortage by the NWOrder,
May 2022, NGas went up to near $7-$8/unit, which I would expect to continue occasionally.
until the NWOrder control of the US is diminished, & oil is once again allowed to be produced,
and/or traded Freely, instead of the price being rigged with derivatives.
Still quite a bit below $10/unit.

There are 6 Ngas wells in this section and 2 wells on my 264+ acres.
The well in the center of my property has an electric motor, which they all could have
if you pressed them to do that, as there is electricity close by. They will not do this
unless pressed.

Their rights to extract the NGas does NOT override your Right to the Quite/Peaceful
enjoyment of your property.

I'm expecting them to completely shutdown in a few years, but in the mean time,
they help to maintain the roads at their expense, which they signficantly improved when
these wells were first put in.

PNR put in these wells in 2007-8 and now Evergreen owns/operates them. We had PNR agree
to electrify the 2 wells on my place including T-28 that were not already with electric
motors (quiet), but I had a wreck and could not get up to CO to work out a route to put
in the electric lines, so it didn't happen. That was in 2013. I didn't want to just let
the Electric Company to just put them where they wanted (as they don't care what the land
looks like afterwards, but I do). I personally cut all the trees on the line I ran up near my
cabin (southeast), back in 1993 over the Thanksgiving weekend, 2/3rd a mile in three days.

Electric line as it crosses the "rabbit foot" meadow going to my cabin, which is within 100
yards of this meadow.

Hope ALL that information is helpful.

All parcels have both electricity and all weather roads to them, except tracts 26/27 (not forsale alone).
The electric line is within about 150-200 feet of tract 26's southwest corner & boundary.

Cell phone service works in the area, except down in low/narrow valleys.

Currently 264+ acres of this land is available. Web Site will be kept up to date.

Below is the west branch of the Castro Valley, near my western boundary in the southwest
quadrant, looking southeast, aerial view.

[ The area around the Sangre de Cristos (southern extension of the Rocky Mountains) & Cuchara
in the San Isabel National Forest (not labeled on the map.) ]

More details below, toward the bottom of this page, including maps, topos and pictures.

This ranch is located in southern Colorado just north of the New Mexican border and east of the Sangre de Cristo mountains (a southern extension of the Rocky Mountains). The two mountain peaks you see in the picture above are the Spanish Peak, which are two ancient magma plugs. This land is roughly 70% covered with Ponderosa pine. The rest is a mixture of meadows, lush canyon bottoms usually with water moving through (see picture below), large rock formations and some Chinook.

The wildlife is plentiful in this area of Colorado with Elk, black bear, mule deer, large Russian turkey, tufted eared squirrels, bobcats, lynx, coyotes and much more rarely(winter), cougar may be heard, along with their sign being found. To be more specific, there are no other areas in Colorado that have a higher State rating in regard to the density of wildlife. It's a good hunting ranch. There are lots of elk roaming around on this ranch, and you will see their tracks everywhere. I've walked upon to groups of elk all over this property at various times of the year. If there is water and vegetation, they have no reason to leave and move into the high country. I've run elk and bear off the same area on the same day. The turkey seem to like the area of the valley bottoms around western boarder. If you plant oats, which we did one year, they will never be far away.

This land has a number of alternative energies available. There is several life times worth of standing trees that need to be thinned just to enhance the distance between healthy trees. Secondly, you have passive solar. Thirdly, you have wind power for running a wind mill to pump water out of your well into a cistern. Augment this with a propane tank and you will have little use of the electric company. Wood could be used for cooking year around (outside during the warm months and inside during the cooler months). And wood could be used for all HEATing needs during the winter. Passive solar could be used for a lot of your electric needs. This could be very low cost foot print to operate, including property taxes, which are very low, due to the AG exemption.

Cuchara and the "Highway of Legends" are just over Cordova Pass at 11,000 feet. Excellent trout fishing and alpine hiking can be found between the pass and the Sangre de Cristos, northern New Mexico, or north or west of the San Luis valley. There are many centers of activity within a few hours of this area in just about every direction, including within northern New Mexico: Colorado Springs, Cuchara, Le Veta, Blue Lake, Bear Lake, Denver, Raton, Red River, AngelFire, Taos, Sante Fe, Pagosa Springs, Durango, Royal Gorge,..., and dozens more. This area is very rich in history and interesting places to visit.

This is a great forested investment with a number of areas of large mature trees. There are some amazing mountain views from a number of possible building sites. The roads on and to this ranch are kept open year around. This investment would make a great ranch for horses or cattle. There are a lot of interesting places to ride horses in the area. You would have almost 2000 acres to ride on nearby, contiguous to this place. There are some very good locations for a horse barn near the house, with a small meadow next to the barn that could be used for occasional grazing for the horses.

A small number of cattle could be run on the northern section to maintain the existing ag exemption or it could be leased to a nearby neighboring cattle rancher, along with other boarding neighbors for that purpose.

The weather on this ranch is moderate, with milder winters than further north or at higher altitudes and with beautiful summer days with cool evenings. The elevation on this ranch is between 7,200 and 6,900 feet above sea level. The distance between those two extremes is almost a mile. That's quite mild by Colorado standards. Much of the land is almost level and is quite easy to walk, ride your horse or hike around on.

(See the topographic map below.)

A ranch road comes to the western boundary and enters the property. This road is just there to access this land, i.e. it's not a through road. A county road (CR 44.0) just touches the southeast corner. However, there are no roads along the length of any boundaries, so the native wildlife are not disturbed by the occasional passing vehicle along the northwest or southeast corners. This ranch is very private.

(See the topographic map below.)

The buyer is responsible for their own well and septic systems. Other known wells in the area have been around 300-360 feet.

This is the nicest area within the whole county, and there are some beautiful lands in this county, though most are within a National Forest or are in areas which are not kept open year around. The roads that provide access to all of this land is currently rocked. In addition, the ranch roads are graded during the winter months and kept clear of snow accumulation. The entrance into these lands from the ranch is fenced & gated and the gates are kept closed. Even in times of heavy snows, the county roads have been kept open year around.

Amenities for these this land include: electricity and road access to the property boundaries and to the existing cabin. A private road also exists to several prime building spots at high points upon the ranch.

Elevation is between 6900 feet & 7200 feet. This property is located 4 miles from Gulnare, 13 miles from Groceries, Gas and basic services (schools), and roughly 23-30 miles from larger towns on IH-25: Walsenburg and Trinidad. This ranch is geographically roughly 7 miles south by southwest of Aguilar (which is between Trinidad and Walsenburg on IS-25) and is about 7 miles (as the crow flies) west from IS-25.

Las Animas county has a population of roughly 15 thousand with close to nine thousand in Trinidad, with the rest of the county being sparsely populated. Cuchara and the "Highway of Legends" are just over Cordova Pass at 11,000 feet. Excellent trout fishing and alpine hiking can be found between the pass and the Sangre de Cristos, northern New Mexico, or north or west of the San Luis valley. There are many centers of activity within a few hours of this area.

[Very hugh Ponderosa pine on the ranch, in Castro canyon, you can't reach around the trunk.]

[Local adhoc entertainment on the ranch, i.e. two brothers who use to entertain locally back in the 60s, Jim & Budd.]

Basic shopping is within 15 miles and more extensive shopping is in either Trinidad or Wallsenburg. Pueblo is just over an hour away, with Colorado Springs about 2.5 hours away.

This 264+ acres is roughly 3/4s mile tall and a half mile wide. There is no road running along the length of the property. There are just the county road that just touches the southeastern corner and a ranch road that touches the western boundary. There is a private road (Bear Claw Pass) that comes into the west side of the property from the main North/South ranch road (Apishapa Lane) and deadends into the western boundary. This is the road that provides access to all of this property (264+ acres). There is a gate where this road enters the property on the western boundary. So there is minimal to no effect by road traffic to this property.

Call for more information about this ranch investment.
A total of 264+ acres is availble for sale. See price above.

One large estate is available, roughly 3/4 mile tall by a half mile wide.

Regarding terms, an outright cash deal to the seller is required.

Typical forest views under the tall trees.

Pictures only give this land a flat 2 dimensional image. They're no substitute for actually experiencing the real forest, with the sounds of wildlife, the fragrance of pine and sage and listening to the breeze passing through the pines. You owe it to yourself to visit this beautiful and peaceful place if you're in the least bit interested in acquiring and developing your own environment away from the rat race of urban living.

There is always "real estate" for sale, BUT

      Ranch Land of this high quality is EXTREMELY rare.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity. You will not find a ranch investment of this high quality within the state of Colorado at this price in such a large parcel with these amenitities. This land is just like that within a national forest, but without having to share it with everyone else.

Lush canyon bottom of Castro canyon, near dam/pond.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any question.

Contact us by email for information about this ranch. Send your phone number.

E-m_a_i_l     a_d_d_r_e_s_s     is:

    "i n f o" at "c o l o r a d o f o r e s t (-d-o-t-) c o m".
i.e. (_c_o_l_o_r_a_d_o_f_o_r_e_s_t_"d-o-t"_c_o_m_)
without the underlines or hyphens and the "dot" is of course a "period".

If we're not in the office, please leave a message and we'll get back with you as soon as possible.

A ranch cookout. Mesquite grilled to perfection! :-)

Everything seems to taste & smell better in the cool mountain air.

This is the view west along the northern boundary from near the northeast corner.
Some of those snow covered peaks (Sangre de Cristos, pictured in May) are over 14,000
feet and the pass to them tops 11,000 feet. It's just left of the two close mountains
(Spanish Peaks, two ancient magma plugs) on the right side of the picture below.
Picture taken from 38ac tract and over the 35ac tract, facing west by southwest.

Picture below is taken above the back of Tract 28, not it's best part, (northeast tract) looking west
over Tract 29 (northwest tract), which is a 35 acre tract. These two tracts comprise the 73+ northern acres.
That road crossing the valley (center of picture) is Elk Trail, just above tract 29.

Star is Gulnare, Colorado. Land is just east of there 3+ miles.

[ Click here: ] To see the cabin during it's construction process.

Cabin is in the southeast corner on the 100 acres parcel (not for sale alone).


How would you like to start your day by waking up to one of theses views? Taken from 38ac tract, over the 35ac tract.

View of Spanish Peaks from a possible building site in the northeast part.
Sangre de Cristo's are off to the left and are visible from this location.
Picture above was taken from 38ac tract.

View of Spanish Peaks from near my favorite building site, at about 7,200' elevation.
Southeastern part of the property.

Elk on the dam of my stock tank, northwest boundary of tract 22 (center, west side of 264+ acres).

Colorado topo map and boundary for entire 264+ acres and surrounding lands

Both "Apishapa Lane" & "Elk Trail" are miss placed onto old jeep trails.
Better yet find this area on ... it's pretty clear there. You'll also see
"Bear Claw Pass" that hits this land coming off "Apishapa Lane" on its western boundary.
43.7 goes northeast to Aguilar & 44.0 goes eastwards to Ludlow, both on the Interstate.
The 264+ acres is within the yellow lines. You can compare this to the aerial picture above.

Bottom is the 264+ acres, all accessed by a single western entrance gate.
County Roads 43.7 & CR 44.0 are now paved from Aguilar to Apishapa Lane,
the road going north, off CR 44.0 into the Ranch, less than 3/4s mile from
my western gates.

Elk horn found in the high spoon shaped meadow north of the cabin.

West Spanish Peak just behind the 2 trees on the right & snow caped Sandgre de Cristos
right above the trees to the left. Standing on Tract 28 (northeast) Facing west by southwest.
That cedar post & cut grass line is my northern boundary.

Road up the eastern side of Castro canyon, electric line alongside.

Road heading toward the large meadow south of the pond.

Actually, all of these roads have been upgraded significantly. We just do not
have any pictures of them after they were completely rebuilt.

Turkey on the dam of my stock tank, northwest boundary of tract 22 (center, west side of 264+ acres).

Canyon bottom with small "spring fed" stream moving through it (May &/or Sept).

Small pool used by wildlife & some elk tracks (left).

Same small stream and more elk tracks.

Good elk habitat.

All acreage is approximated on this advertisement. The legal descriptions are accurate.

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