The descriptive term "Red October" has been presciently applied to right "now", by C.High. "Everything is in the process of breaking down: Food production, trucking, health services, millions will get very sick and many of them will die, the military breaks down, political system breaks down and the financial system will suffer a horrible unfixable crash." "The breakdowns will wake up the masses to all the evil that has been hidden (for way way more than 2 centuries here in America)." For the masses that have been asleep, "There are so many layers it's going to take a long time for people to come to some understanding," and the process of coming to that(some) understanding may take them many years to unwind the entire system of lies/deceptions in which they have lived their entire lives. It's taken me over 15 years of intense research to get a grasp of the Criminal infiltration/ subversion that's taken place in America & globally, by a highly organized, ultra wealthy Luciferian Khazarian Mafia (the International Illuminati, comprised of many sub-organizations), which dates back to Nimrod & Babylon, under the Satanic influence of Satan/Baal. Evil is Destructive, including self destructive (in process). None of this Chaos/Decline is an accident. It's ALL been meticulously engineered by the Satanic Illuminati. General M.Flynn Exposes Deep State Plan to either Trigger Civil War &/or Collapse the Global Financial systems General Flynn's Prediction Comes True: Globalists Triggering Worldwide Financial Collapse to Launch Their Agenda If there is NO currency, there can be NO viable economic activity, which requires a method of payment. Which is how the Criminal FED engineered the Great Depression, as it withdrew at least 1/3 of the money supply from circulation. No currency means NO economic activity occurs, all done by Design. While the Criminal FED is pouring Trillions into the Major banks to keep them from Collapse, expect them to employ the same technique that they used to Engineer the Gread Depression again soon, against the American People to collapse the country so they can try to take TOTAL Control. The hard/cash money supply in circulation, particularly with cash/coins, is already shrinking. When the FED crashes & it will (cause will be international banking, outside the US), all the Banks will be D.A. Broke & shut their doors (coming). All funds within those banks will be GONE for good, as that is their original long term plan. The real US National Debt is NOT around 30 Trillion, as they keep saying. It's really around 150 Trillion bucks. At least 94 Trillion is missing from the Pentagon alone, presumed "STOLEN". This is NOT considering the tens/hundreds of TRILLIONS in "Unfunded Liabilities", which is another story. This is the soil from which "hyper-inflation" springs, grows & endures, which is intentionally being created by the Khazarian Mafia NWOrder, president Biden (really Barry Soetoro, aka: Obama, NOT). Real Inflation rates for 2005-2019 ran between 9% & 10% per year. 2021 was at 15% and by early 2022, we were running at 17%, increasing by end of 2022. All per John Williams at It could explode by mid September of 2024. This an intentional war on us by the New World Order. Think "9/11" version two, which should hit in September of 2024. While Dr. Skidmore was revealing all the TENS of Trillions of US Dollars that have been STOLEN from the American People by their own CROOKED government. Trump & Congress passed the FASB 56 Legislation (under the cover of the Kavanaugh hearings) which made the Entire "US financial books" a matter of National Security, which NO ONE can Now SEE. Which allows them to both ROB us and then HIDE all the Evidence. America may survive, but NOT before going through the FIRE (Phoenix) and only THEN will she begin to rise out of the Ashes of the destruction of her perverted/distorted/Luciferian-criminal systems, beginning in 2024. While the country may survive, that does NOT equate that ALL Americans will, as they surely will NOT. Are you ready? Being "way out"/away from any/all Urban centers would be most prudent/wise. We have near 220+ years of Luciferian infiltration/subversion to clean up & to rebuild our intentionally destroyed political-systems/economy/financial-systems/manufacturing/infrastructure, which will take us many many years if not decades. But first this infiltrated/corrupt criminal Enterprise must FALL, and Fall it will, beginning in early Fall of 2024, and the Financial markets towards year's end at the latest. Beginning with Rockefeller tied Carter, the US Luciferian Presidents/families: Bushes, Clintons & Obama are ALL working together behind the scenes to Take America Down! G.H.W.Bush selected/inserted Bill "Rockefeller" Clinton into the White House & continued instructing CIA-Barry.Obama on what to do during his subversive/criminal presidency. The Bushes, Clintons, Obama & the Luciferian New World Order are all running the Phony/Criminal Biden/Harris Sham. We're NOT in Kansas any more Dorthy .... WUP if you can ... It's more like Cambodian "Genocide" under the Marxist "Khmer Rouge" & Pol Pot, that was placed into Power by the NWOrder created/run Criminal CIA (Criminals in Action). "stagflationary (US) collapse" coming SOON! -- Brandom Smith _____________________________________________________ Asset prices of real value are going up all over the country and the REAL reason for that is is that the value of the "backed by nothing" FIAT currency, the Federal Reserve "Debt Notes", are loosing value at an accelerated rate (17.5+% now). The life span of this dying currency is NOT years, but could be literally months at best. When it goes, it will be just like the WTC towers falling, i.e. near that QUICK, which is why we will sign NO contract that has any delays whatsoever. If any buyer is not ready to close quickly, then come back when you are. But don't be surprised if the price is NOT higher then, as It will be raised near monthy, if not sooner, due to the crashing value of these near 'worthless' "DEBT Notes" by a Private Foreign Bank, the NONE "Federal" NO "Reserve" Bank. If you don't know this, the same folks that created/own/run this Foreign Bank (Khazarian Mafia) are the exact same folks that are trying to kill us all with their engineered BioWeapons (both Covid-Coronavirus & deadly NONE vaccines, which contain Graphene Oxide & the same Spike Protein that they attached to the Coronavirus & much more). And as a casualty of this War, this Criminal Bank will be Taken Down, which will have huge repercussions for America. WUP if you can. The World has completely changed and it will NEVER go back to what it was Pre-Bioweapons, which is pretty much what ALL "World Wars" have done in the past & We are in a World WAR right now! _____________________________________________________ All lands for sale by the most local realty office in the Apishapa River Valley or nearby have been sold out recently, as of late July, 2020. They normally have about 30-35+ listings, on average. Meaning supply of land like this is getting quite scarce. This is the beginning of long term trend as folks flee the cities & Towns in effort to survive these military grade bioweapons & the communist take down of America, collapsing the entire US/Global Financial systems, by design. To the best of my knowledge, this local realty office changed their name & relocated their operation/focus to La Veta in Huerfano county (north). I think everyone knows what scarcity does to prices, so don't delay too long, as scarcity & prices increase, due to higher demand & dwindling supply. 35 acre development ended in this area well over a decade ago (due to the engineered financial crisis of 2007-8). (See more extensive/detailed Terms for buying below ... don't miss them if serious.) We don't accept/respond-to counter "offers". Each tract or grouping of land is based on it's unique characteristics and has it's own unique valuation. There is Always cheaper land & it's usually cheaper for a reason. If that's what you want, good luck with it. We don't have any of that & hence, we have NONE to sell. This property was previously listed with the largest Rural Land Broker which operates in Colorado (and around 7-8 other states) and they researched/validated my pricing. Easy to test. Just find another piece of "developed" land this size (similar characteristics) within Colorado this nice at a lower price. You will NOT. BTW: real current US Inflation rate is running at 17-18% in late-2022 and was running at 9-10% inflation rate in each preceding year beginning about 2005, via John Williams of, who calulates all the government statistics using the Pre-Clinton perversions where Clinton wanted to declare a surplus when there was NONE, so he just rigged all the accounting formulas to fabricated a result that was NOT real. And it's never been fixed by any president since, as they didn't have the courage/integrity to deal with the consequences of that much Honesty. When this much higher real inflation is factored into the GDP, it means that we've been running a Negative GDP for at least 16 years of around -4/5%. Translation, if you run -5% GDP for 20 years, you've basically killed your economy. And that is pretty much what they've "intentionally" done. BTW: 17.5% of the current price is nearing $250K/year increase. Waiting will only increase the cost of ALL assets that have "real value", which is what will/can keep us alive during these subversive/challenging times, which will last many many years. I'd expect the REAL value of inflation in 2023 to be at least 15% but possibly approaching 20% (if not more), by design. Price increases at least quarterly, if not near monthly, should be expected with this high level of inflation, which is a way of saying that the currency (FED "debt" notes) are becoming more "worthless" monthly and that it is, as it's a complete Fraud. All Frauds end quickly. Visiting the property is possible. I'll give you the necessary information/directions, and permission to come upon my land for "a viewing". This is NOT an opened "permission". My property is posted "NO Trespassing" for a reason. I do NOT allow free access to just anyone when ever they please. All of the Apishapa River Ranch is 100% "PRIVATE Property" and access is by "Permission ONLY". Violators will be dealt with. Prices as of late Feb, 2024. They could change again soon by mid-year, as the entire Financial System collapses. The 2020 Elections were STOLEN! -- Now proven. See also: Fraud vitiates everything! By the middle of 2024, this will be PROVEN and Trump may be reinstated as President, as he really won the 2020 Election. Many in Congress will be removed and Conservatives Christians will have the Majority and an Ethical Government will be the consequences, going forward towards the 2024 elections, the winner of which will be a Righteous President, unlike any that we have had since Calvin Coolidge, who assumed the Presidency in 1923. After which, America has had near 100 years of New World Order Criminals in the White House. 18-month, data-driven probe concludes, proving that the 2020 elections were stolen; Smartphone pings, videos reveal at least "4.8 million fraudulent votes". CIA-Obama, the real acting president, fronted by Dementia Pedo Joe will NOT finish out their Stolen Term. Prices/Payment-Options (Precious Metals) may change again in any month of 2024, to reflect the new Reality of the Changing Global Economic ReConstitution & US decline. Being: DeCentralized with "NO Central Banks", which means "NO FIAT Currencies", which is coming way sooner than you may think (in process by year's end). Wake UP if you can. |
Being sold ALL together. We are not breaking this up & selling this in 5 individual tracts. 1) 264.4 acres for $1,450,000 Developed land, 5 contiguous tracts ranging from 35-100 acres each, 3/4s mile tall by 1/2 mile wide, of very Private land. All but the 2 northern tracts (originally 7 tracts), (#28 & #29, were sold in 2022). |
[Very hugh Ponderosa pine on the ranch, in Castro canyon, you can't reach around the trunk.] |
[Local adhoc entertainment on the ranch, i.e. two brothers who use to entertain locally back in the 60s, Jim & Budd.] |
Lush canyon bottom of Castro canyon, near dam/pond.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any question.
Contact us by email for information about this ranch. Send your phone number.
E-m_a_i_l a_d_d_r_e_s_s is:
"i n f o" at "c o l o r a d o f o r e s t (-d-o-t-) c o m".
i.e. (_c_o_l_o_r_a_d_o_f_o_r_e_s_t_"d-o-t"_c_o_m_)
without the underlines or hyphens and the "dot" is of course a "period".
If we're not in the office, please leave a message and we'll get back with you
as soon as possible.
Some of those snow covered peaks (Sangre de Cristos, pictured in May) are over 14,000 feet and the pass to them tops 11,000 feet. It's just left of the two close mountains (Spanish Peaks, two ancient magma plugs) on the right side of the picture below. Picture taken from 38ac tract and over the 35ac tract, facing west by southwest. |
All acreage is approximated on this advertisement. The legal descriptions are accurate.
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